Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, that is [highlight type=”light”]Ajax[/highlight] , is a platform that woks brilliantly with all kinds of browsers and has greatly sped up the work of every businessman. The profits and good reputations of countless businesses owe their success to Ajax system which is a very comprehensive web application tool.
It is complex and hard to explain in totality. This is because it is an amalgam of many useful technologies that serve their purpose even more efficiently after emerging as components of Ajax that has its own set of unique qualities. You need to make an HTML form first with ‘name’ and ‘time’ text fields. The Submit button is not needed for the user data to be sent to the server. Some benefits of Ajax can be explained and there are some that cannot.
[error]Here are a few:[/error] [list style=”paperclip-thin” color=”accent2″]- It is cost-effective in the long run because it has a convenient interface. Also, it is web- based, and not a desktop application.
- With Ajax, your internet experience would be much smoother and this would make you more productive and your work less time-consuming. You would see a significant reduction in the loading time of web pages.
- It is modern and user-friendly.
- You can transfer, receive, retrieve and access data at a rate that is way faster than before and that too in formats like text, HTML and XML.
- There are many tasks, the steps of which would be reduced greatly.
- The computer will crash a lot less and internet hang-ups too would lessen to a manageable amount.
- Do not be afraid of the increased cost of the increased bandwidth that would eventually come with a thriving business. Ajax can easily reduce repetition and consume less bandwidth, thus saving money.
- You get an almost error-free experience that would save time and also the money required for the corrections.
- Online users could relate to this programming more because of its wide usage by majority of websites. It makes certain features uniform for all and that makes it easier for users to relate and navigate the website.
- Even portals like Yahoo Map and Google Map are based upon this.
- It is very flexible and is compatible with server scripts.
- There are many technologies of web development that have emerged as a result of Ajax.
Ajax is made of XHTML, CSS, DOM and XML. You should be well-versed with some essential internet software aspects and must know the basics of this language to be able to program your website yourself.