3 Ways To Use Digital Storytelling
Why are we loyal to the brands and companies that we choose to associate ourselves with? More often than not, it’s because we can relate to their story, their roots, their humble beginnings. When a company can get consumers to relate to how it got started, why it is successful, and the plans they have for the future, they are getting personal, and that’s what consumers appreciate. Below we give you some examples of how to genuinely open up to the public and benefiting from it too.
1. Interactive Commercials
Be it online or on TV, interactive commercials are the future. In fact, the word “interactive” says it all. It’s a way for consumers to participate via various social media outlets – giving their opinions on the campaign, what works and what doesn’t. They can vote on marketing campaigns that span a certain timeline. Most recently, Lay’s Chips had an interactive commercial campaign where consumers could vote on a new flavor of the popular snack. The interactive commercials were a success and Lay’s may re-use the idea again in the future!
2. Apps and Websites
Try storytelling apps or websites, there are more than enough out there to try. Our recommendations include Qwikstory (www.qwikstory.com) a creative and interactive site that allows multiple people to create a story 1,000 characters at a time. There’s also Which Your Rights, an app dedicated to letting consumers know when products are faulty or recalled. For companies interested in keeping it green, there’s the Carbon Tracker App which calculates just how much of an impact your carbon footprint is making on the earth.
3. Video
This idea is probably the simplest and most effective. Try introducing a new pae on your company’s website where your loyal consumers can submit a short video letting others know exactly why they like your business and why others should give it a shot. This is word of mouth 2.0 – and in the digital age, everyone wants proof that something actually works, what could be better than real customers giving genuinely good reviews?
How do you feel about interactive and digital storytelling? Leave us a comment below!