Top 3 Reasons To Have A Mentor
It’s a big, scary world out there for anyone from students fresh out of school to first time business owners. No matter where life takes you, it’s nice to have a guide along the way. Here’s our top 3 reasons to have a mentor:
[success]1. Support[/success]
Mentors are always there for support. If you’re lucky enough to have someone mentor you, you’ll be privy to knowledge from someone who has already been in your shoes and knows what to expect. A great mentor will often simply point you in the right direction and help you figure out what to do next on your own. After all, mentors aren’t meant to just fork over all the secrets to success, they want you to discover them on your own, but they won’t hesitate to give you a gentle nudge forward.
[success]2. Connections[/success]
This shouldn’t be the only reason you look for a mentor, but it’s definitely a big one. Your mentor has most likely established themselves in the field you are interested in and can have some serious connections when it comes to helping their apprentice out. You may even be lucky enough to form a relationship with those connections on your own time and establish a business relationship. Powerful people knowing you’ve been mentored y one of their peers is a like an automatic stamp of approval.
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[success]3. Personal Life[/success]Along with helping you achieve your career goals, you’d be surprised at the knowledge that a mentor may have for your personal life as well. Answers to questions like “how do I balance my home life and work life?” or “should I take a year off to start a family?”. There are countless external factors that will contribute to how successful you are in your career and a mentor can often help you make the right decision when these two worlds collide.
This article is useful !. Have a mentor is a great of my life. The good advice from my mentor helped me balance my home life and work life. Everything is better since I decided to have a mentor. And I think you should too.