3 Ways to Generate Great Business Ideas
Everyone has the potential to produce great ideas – the problem is actually getting those ideas out and onto paper, putting them in motion, and making them a reality. This is a struggle many creative and inventive individuals looking to start a business. They know they want to have a start up but they just don’t know what exactly that start up would be. We’re here to help!
[success]1. Is It Easy?[/success]
Try thinking about what could make people’s everyday lives easier. No idea is a bad idea, this is how many companies started and became a huge success. Someone thought of the Post-It and made everyone’s office lives simpler with a stack of yellow paper and some adhesive. It’s so simple but equally brilliant. Take a look around at your everyday life and think about what could make it easier.
[success]2. Adapt[/success]
Our lives are so fast paced and things are changing all the time. It’s important to be caught up on new technology and gadgets, this makes brainstorming become much more open to possibilities. For example: no one really reads the newspaper anymore, we have apps for that and tablets to read from. Try thinking about things that maybe won’t be around or as common in 5-10 years and then come up with a replacement.
[success]3. Best Of Both Worlds[/success]
Sometimes, the way to come up with something new, is to put two things together. Food companies are brilliant at this – combining two things that are already proven to be loved by the general public and combining them to make one super-product. This task is probably the hardest to complete because its a lot of trial and error, but if done correctly, the results are worth it. Still don’t believe us? Just remember, someone came up with putting cookie dough into ice cream – and look how that turned out!
What are some of your favorite brainstorming strategies? Tell us in the comments section!