3 Examples Of Excellent Video Marketing
Video marketing is an amazing tool a lot of companies are engaging their target audiences with and getting increasingly more creative with each new video. We’re going to list our favorite video marketing campaigns and why they work:
[success]1. Animated[/success]
Animated videos may often seem like they are childish or too immature to represent your company. Well, we beg to differ. There’s nothing stopping your company from going with the sophisticated animation option. We love what Kit-Kat has done with this video, not only does it feel like you’re watching a mini-movie, the ending has a brilliant call to action which will keep consumers interested “The quest for the ultimate break beings”. This is animated videos for video marketing on a whole other level.
[success]2. Live Action[/success]
This is your chance to get all the quality and real life action from a commercial with the effectiveness of the internet. Be warned, this option is often the most expensive, but if you can afford it, go for it! Our advice is keeping it short, simple, and if you, funny. The best example of this is Super Bowl favorite Volkswagen spot called “The Force”
[success]3. Both[/success]
That’s right, you can have the best of both worlds. A lot of companies are experimenting with including both features into one video. Be careful though, if done poorly, mixing these two styles can come out looking like a hot mess. Instead, focus on small things that will still catch a viewer’s attention. Remember, you want this video to be memorable. One of the biggest successes of mixing live action videos with animation is the Mini Wheats Cereal Campaign.
[error]Which style is your favorite? What are some of the most memorable videos for you? Comment and let us know. [/error]
photo credit: janwillemsen via photopin cc
and steer clear from sexism because it doesn’t sell! I love the little darth vader one. So cute!
Thanks for sharing this useful post!
Animated videos have characters very cute and lovely, live action reflect a part real life. If a video marketing combines both it’s perfect. I like that. The video marketing of drink water or food is always good impression in my mind.
I would agree with your opinion about animated videos. Animations are not for kids only anymore. People of all ages love watching animated movies and videos online. Loved the KitKat video you uploaded. Good stuffs!
I prefer videos made of animation or both. They are prettier and funnier to me than the live video ones. But the combination ones can be a bit difficult to make as you said,also I think its more expensive than the other ones.
Very useful post! The most recent advertisement that I liked is the new DOVE commercial. It`s very thought provoking and also beautifully made. It talks more than just the product which makes it unique.
Speaking as a small business owner without the mega-bucks of the huge corporations who made these videos, I’ll have to wonder what the options are for the millions of “small fry” business owners across America who want to start using video. We obviously don’t have those kinds of budgets. So how do we jump on the bandwagon?
Hi David!
I think you’d be surprised at how many options you have when it comes to videos and being a small business owner. Please feel free to call our office or send me an e-mail (anja (at)developaweb.com) and I can give you some more info.
Thanks for the comment
I was thinking the same thing as David actually – those videos here look really professional. Most of my friends with small businesses who try video end up with some really poor quality stuff. And if they do splurge and pay for a good one, it is outdated pretty quickly.
Is it best to host a video for your business on YouTube, and give a link to it on your own website — or imbed it directly onto your home page. Just wondering if there is an advantage to putting it on YourTube, like maybe more exposure?
Thanks for this comment,
Great question. I would have to say it depends what stage your business is at. In general, it’s a good idea to have your video on your website and on YouTube. Better safe than sorry! And you’re right, YouTube is also a good way to gain exposure form the other video sharing platforms out there.