5 Ways to Create A Memorable Logo
Think of all the major companies in the world, regardless of the industry, and what do they all have in common? Instant recognition. What most of these companies won’t tell you is exactly how much time, effort, and trails it took to get just the right type of logo – because they all know that no matter how good your product or service is, it won’t matter unless you have an effective and memorable logo. Here’s a few ways to step up your logo game:
1. Avoid Trends
This is a key rule, especially with the amount of start-up businesses that come and go. Don’t try to be trendy and keep up with some sort of new, hip, logo fashion. Lately it has been all about the bright colored background with a single letter or image in a contrasting color like black or white. Think about the logo’s you see and go in the opposite direction – its about standing out, not blending in.
2. Competitor Comparison
Research the types of logo’s your competitors have and then turn it on its head. For example, the majority of healthy, organic based companies tend to go for earthy tones such as green, brown, and beige and minimalistic images of leaves or the earth. If you’re in this business, consider something more eye catching, with colors like yellow, red, and orange. Then think of an image or a word that still delivers your message without using what your competitors have. Instead of “organic” use “locally grown” – there are a million ways to set yourself apart.
3. Message Clarity
Speaking of your company message, don’t get so caught up in your logo that people have no idea what it stands for. The point here is to find a balance with the message you want to send and the image you put out. For example, after Motorola was acquired by Google, they changed their logo to include that it was now owned by Google so that customers would make the connection with the two companies and to trigger an expectation of new and exciting products.
4. Hired Help
Not everyone is cut out for designing logo’s, in fact very few people can take multiple ideas and suggestions and turn out a great final product. Invest in a great designer that can bring your vision to life. Make sure to thoroughly research who you’d like to hire before you go through with it, make sure that they have produced work for industries similar to yours and have a consultation meeting to discuss ideas. You won’t regret getting some professional help.
5. Protection
One rookie mistake is to spend time developing a wonderful logo only to have it unprotected. Trademark it as soon as possible! As soon as your logo is trademarked and protected you can start printing those business cards, paste it all over your website, and have it a part of your e-mail signature. Without proper logo protection, you risk someone stealing your logo and using it as their own.
Do you have any questions about logo’s? Contact us today!