There’s an unofficial grumbling that all Canadian have muttered at one time or another and it goes a little something like this, “We don’t own anything anymore…the US bought Tims!” Not to fear my fellow Canucks, we’ve still got quite a few recognizable brands that haven’t been bought out by foreign companies…yet.
[text_divider]Bank[/text_divider]If there’s one thing Canadians have, it’s bank loyalty. Luckily, there’s quite a few big names to choose from that are purely Canadian and are set on staying that way. RBC, CIBC, ScotiaBank and BMO are just a few examples. On the down side, if you happen to be traveling south the states, you’ll be out of luck trying to find a Canadian ATM.
While we might complain about being on hold with Rogers for an hour about the state of our phone bills or insisting that Bell is the reason our phones never get any reception up in the mountains – Bell and Rogers just happen to be 2 of the biggest and most profitable Telco companies in Canada. Bell is one of the oldest, too. Founded in 1880, it’s practically a national treasure.
We may have lost Tim Hortons…and it was a big one, but just take a look at all the great Food chains we can still call truly Canadian! There’s A&W, Flying Wedge Pizza, Blenz Coffee, Cactus Club Restaurants and Harvey’s! These are just some of the purely Canadian food retailers to fill the hole that Tim’s has left us with…timbit anyone?
Due to the majority of Canada’s weather being cold, rainy, and windy, we’ve become clothing experts of sorts. Our major retailers are proof of how good brands with loyal followings can make a huge impact. Artizia, LuluLemon, Roots, and Winners are Canadian go-to’s when the seasons change and we remember that we get roughly 3 months of sunlight.
There’s no doubt about it – Canadians love travelling. Be it abroad or across the true north, strong and free. From far and wide Canadians travel and the companies that make it possible are Canadian Airlines, Pronto Airlines, TransWest Air, Pascan Aviation and WestJet.