Do’s and Don’ts of Business Cards
Even in this social media, online marketing, and virtual technology age of communication – the business card stands tall. Why is that? Because it’s a trusted piece of information. It’s concise. It’s easy. It’s personal – but it can also go wrong very quickly. There are some key differences between great and memorable business cards and the ones you throw in the trash. Here’s a few tips:
Spell check! There is nothing worse than someone who is supposed to be a professional in their field handing you a business card that has typos and spelling errors on it. No matter how nice the design or the concept – you need to make sure all the information is properly spell checked before you send your business cards to the printers.
Hand them out constantly. There’s networking and then there’s being obnoxious. Business cards should not be given out to every person that asks for one. They hold key pieces of information and you should only be giving them out to people with whom you would genuinely like to make a business connection with.
Have a few business cards on you at all times. This is important because you never know when you’re going to meet someone that could be helpful to the success of your business. Networking events are great but remember that not all business professionals attend them and you just might meet a great graphic designer at a dinner party or a potential investor at a PTA meeting.
Go overboard with design. We know that there are tons of people out there telling you to be unique and have a cool multifunctional business card – but keep this in mind – it still has to be functional. Never sacrifice the readability of your card for a fun design that will cost you more and bring in fewer clients.
Include multiple contact options. Everyone communicated differently, so go ahead and include the basics: cell phone number, office number, and e-mail. But don’t forget to include some other forms of communication that could set you apart. Consider Skype or Whatsapp and you’ll be opening yourself up to more opportunities.
Lose business cards that are given to you! A good way to avoid this is to invest in business card apps that allow you to take a picture of a person’s business card and all of their information is uploaded into a mini profile. Or perhaps go the old fashioned route and put them all in a Rolodex on your desk!
How do you use your business cards? Tell us below!