3 Marketing Risks That Pay Off
In the world of marketing – especially online marketing – things can become stagnant really quickly and new gets old faster than ever. So what is there to do? Often in this field it’s all about assessing the situation, having a strategy, and implementing a plan. However, sometimes its necessary to mix things up and take a risk. We’ll outline some marketing risks that can end up with a huge pay off:
[success]1. Humour[/success]
More than anything, people want to laugh. Humour is a great way to catch someone’s attention and keep them there. This might seem obvious and not like a risk at all, but consider this: if humour is such an obvious tactic, than how will your humour stand out? That’s where the risk part comes in. Knowing how to push the envelope just a little bit further without going into inappropriate territory is the perfect recipe for marketing success. An great example of this is an ad that Burger King ran with a man in a trench coat that is obviously the famous Ronald McDonald order food at his competitors fast food restaurant. It’s simple, funny, and best of all – effective.
[success]2. Personalizing[/success]
More and more big brands are realizing that by making their customers the star versus hiring a celebrity for endorsement really works. The best part about this risk is that there are so many ways to go about it. Hold a contest, give them products for free, ask them to be a part of your next commercial, and the list goes on and on. Historically, the companies most known for using this tactic are weight loss businesses like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. They’ll have a celebrity endorser interact with real people that have been successful with program and are simultaneously giving prospective customers two outlooks in one commercial.
[success]3. Inspire[/success]
This is a risk in every meaning of the word. Trying to inspire without coming off as sales-y or cheesy is a difficult thing to do for marketers. Attempting the inspiration route and failing is one of the worst things that can happen to a company. However, if it’s done right, you’ll be reaping the rewards in more ways than one. One of the best examples of inspiration without overkill is the cereal company that everyone loves with a Mascot Bee – Cheerios. What Cheerios has one right is that they’ve kept their inspiration simple and to the point. The cereal is a family favourite, and it also contributes to good health. The simple inspiring slogan is the perfect finishing touch: “Bee Happy, Bee Healthy”
[notice]Would you take these marketing risks? Which one do you think would pay off the most? Give us your feedback below![/notice]
photo credit: Images_of_Money via photopin cc