3 reasons for businesses to go green
Sustainable or “green” practices in business are no longer a trend – they are a legitimate part of how many businesses, both big and small, are run. More and more entrepreneurs are concerned with sustainability, climate change, and doing their part to reduce their professional carbon footprints. Below are some reasons why you should think about going green:
[success]1. Risk Management[/success]
Climate change has had a natural response and many people have suffered from the consequences. We’re talking about historic natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, and even wildfires having huge negative effects on not only the environment, but businesses as well. Natural disasters can be reduced and even avoided if more people become educated on the topic of climate change. If this isn’t a reason to promote change for your business to go green, we don’t know what is.
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[success]2. Investors[/success]
More and more we see investors asking questions about environmental responsibility from businesses and taking sustainability very seriously. Make sure that when you are presenting your business plan to potential investors that you walk them through how you plan to – or already are – doing your part to contribute to sustainable business ownership, no matter what field you are in. Simply put, if your startup doesn’t practice sustainability, good luck finding an investor.
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[success]3. Finances[/success]
Still think sustainability doesn’t matter? Consider this, when financial reports are filed, they factor in your sustainability data. Take a good look at your environmental profit and loss and start thinking of ways to reduce your company’s effect on the planet. Your environmental profit and loss can be calculated into monetary amounts that clearly state just how much damage has been caused to the planet simply by operating your business.
[error]Going green is not a simple process. It takes a lot of effort from everyone involved in your business, but keep in mind that the long term results will be better for you, your company, and ultimately our planet’s climate. [/error]
photo credit: cobalt123, zachstern, Andrew Michaels, HikingArtist.com via photopin cc
Well written! Many people, when looking for new products to buy, will make sure that they are green and will not purchase products if they do not equate to their morals. Even products that are fair trade, made in their own country etc are becoming more popular because people want to spend their money in ethical ways.