4 Tips For Finding a Target Audience
We’ve talked about target audiences previously, as in knowing who your target audience is so that you can reach them better and understand them thoroughly. What we’re going to teach you today is which questions to ask before deciding that you’ve found the right target audience. Sometimes you’re going after the wrong market and going through the following questions will help determine if you’re on the right track
[success]1. What are my competitors doing?[/success]Take a good look at your competitors and which markets they are going after. Our advice is not necessarily to go after that same market but perhaps look at what your competitors are missing. Is there a niche within that target audience that isn’t being addressed? Or maybe you and figure out way to make your product/services more available to a whole other target audience by making slight changes. There’s always something to learn from a competitor.
Once again, make sure you know who your audience is, and study what marketing techniques have previously worked to capture their attention. If your target audience is males aged 18-35 in North America then you need to know which areas of communication they are most likely to use and be influenced by. Chances are, this target audience type will not respond to print advertisements, so don’t waste your money. Focus on online marketing and advertising to catch their attention.
[success]3. How do I sell my product?[/success]
This question is possibly the most important of them all. If your target audience spends the majority of their time online – why have a store front? Focus on sales via an e-commerce website. If your target audience spends all their time outdoors, then a storefront is absolutely necessary and location is everything. By knowing who you’re selling to, you’ll know how to sell to them.
Visibility is essential, of course you’re out there looking for your target audience, but chances are they’re looking for you too. Make yourself available in the spheres where your target audience is most likely to be found. Social media platforms are great for nearly all target audiences but some other options include linking your website to others similar to yours, having a YouTube channel, or by having a newsletter / catalog that visitors to your site can sign up for.
Excellent points! Thanks for that
Awesome article! Thanks for explaining how to get targeted audience thoroughly. A lot of research is necessary before selling a product in the market; you also have to know your audience very well.
Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Youtube are apparently very useful tools to make money these days. I see people doing all kinds of businesses through these social media platforms and they often are getting lots of customers.
It is all about selling the right product to the right people. If you cannot identify your targeted audience, your business will suffer. I loved your article, you have highlighted some very important points regarding how to reach targeted audience.