4 Steps To Trade Show Success
While online marketing and advertising is very much up to date with the digital age we are living in, it is important to understand that some traditional ways of getting the word out there work too. Trade Shows are an example of this. It is a way to literally display your business, talk to people who are interested, and perhaps even gain some new clientele. We’re going to give you a guide on how to have trade show success:
[success]1. Booth[/success]
This may seem like such an obvious first step, but it is a mistake that is constantly made: Make sure you have a booth that is the appropriate size. If you are displaying products, make sure you have room to do so. If you are going to show people how your product works, you’ll need room for that as well. Take all of these things into account and of course, make sure you can afford the appropriate sized booth.
[success]2. Promotion[/success]
It’s essential to prepare for a trade show many days in advance. The ideal amount of time is between 1-2 weeks. That way you can send an event invitation out to everyone on your current email list and follow up with them a couple of times reminding them about the trade show that is coming up. Remember to utilize social media before and during the event. Have someone on Twitter duty and live-tweet the trade show updating every 10 minutes or so to include your followers in the process.
[success]3. Fun[/success]
Trade shows are supposed to be fun! Make your booth stand out with contests or games with prizes set up at your booth, perhaps you can even get permission to play music! All of these things will draw people in, put them in a good mood, and you’ll have an opportunity to network and make some connections. If you’re having a good time, then people will be naturally drawn to you.
[success]4. Impression[/success]
The most important thing to do at a trade show is have a lasting impression on the people that you meet there. Our suggestion is have something simple, but unique, with your logo on it to give to people so that amongst all of the booths they visited that day they’ll remember you. If everyone else is giving out water bottles, buttons, and pens – think outside the box! You can try rubber wristbands, plastic sunglasses, or perhaps a shopping tote. There are so many ways to stand out with giveaways.
[notice]What has your experience been at trade shows? How have you learned from them? Tell us about it in the comments section![/notice]
photo credit: Duncan Kinney via photopin cc