4 B2B Marketing Tips
Marketing to a target audience is hard as it is, but take that target audience and make them professionals in their industries and then try selling them a product. Business-to-business selling is harder than regular business-to-consumer selling and can often become overwhelming very quickly. If your business is one that sells to other businesses, we’ve a got some tips that just might help your job become a little less stressful:
[success]1. Lingo[/success]
Don’t stray away from it like you would with an audience that isn’t well versed in your industry. There’s simplification and then there’s just plain dumbing down of information. Our suggestion is to avoid this at all costs on your website or marketing campaigns and only really use lingo or industry terminology where it’s necessary. It’s all about balance, remember, you’re drawing in a whole business not just one person.
[success]2. Value[/success]
More than anything, business owners want you to cut to the chase. What is the value of your product or service and how is it better than anyone else’s? That’s what it comes down to at the end of the day. The best way to express the high value of your product or service to another business is by highlighting various features, explain how it’ll better their business, and best of all have some testimonials in your back pocket for backup.
[success]3. Personalize[/success]
Just because you’re selling to another business, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t connect with that business on a personal level. Say you’re selling a new cleaning solution to a cleaning company – connect with them by letting them know that your product (unlike the others) won’t cause any harm to children and pets because it’s organic and made of all natural ingredients. This proves not only to be beneficial on a personal level but adds an extra layer of value ot your product/service.
[success]4. Listen[/success]
We’re sure that you can talk for days on end about why you’re the best in your industry and why your product is amazing, but sometimes it’s more important to listen than to drown everyone out with words. What we mean by this is, while your product is sure to be brilliant, is it what your business customers are looking for? Do they actually need it? Listen to what they want and need and figure out how your product will solve a problem for their business.
[notice]What are some challenges you have with business-to-business sales? We want to hear from you in our comments section![/notice]
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