3 Tips On Communicating With Millennials
You may have heard this phrase before: “Millennials entering the workforce”, but what does it mean? The word “millennials” refers to people belonging to Generation Y, a group of young people born between 1983 and 2001. These are generally known as the children of baby-boomers and when it comes to communicating, they’re certainly doing things differently. Whether they’re entering your workforce or are a part of your target audience, we’re going to outline some ways to communicate with this generation effectively below:
[success]1. Speed[/success]
If millennials are a part of your target market, the thing that needs to be addressed first and foremost is speed and accessibility. Millennials want everything to be available at their convenience because the technology is available and if something isn’t ready at the touch of a button, it brings instant frustration. What’s the lesson here? Get educated with technology and utilize online marketing for your business in order to reach millennials.
[success]2. Wit[/success]
There’s nothing worse to a millennial than the feeling of being talked down to. This generation considers themselves to be quick-witted and they enjoy it when a company takes the time to be clever and smart with their marketing and advertising. Be careful with this when considering a way to include wit in your company’s identity. One example of a brand doing this successfully is Apple. Their ads, no matter what medium, are always engaging, visually appealing, and have a clever tone to them.
[success]3. Value[/success]
One things that millennials have learned from their baby-boomer parents is getting value. This applies for when you are trying to reach any kind of customer, give them value. What that means is, you need to be aware that the internet provides nearly everything for free, but if your product/service is truly effective and ultimately worth it, millennials will have no problem paying any price for it.
[notice]Do you have trouble communicating with millennials? Have our tips helped? Give us some feedback in the comments section below![/notice]
photo credit: malloreigh via photopin cc