3 Tips For Social Media Challenges
Taking on a professional Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest account for your business can sometimes feel overwhelming. We all struggle from time to time. In this post, we’re going to give you a few tips on how to handle the pressure of being active on social media:
[success]1. Coming Up With New Content[/success]
You hear it all the time – keep it fresh! Keep it interesting! And it’s true, our world is extremely fast paced and if you’re not keeping up with the latest trends, news, and hot topics in your industry – you’ll fall behind quickly. So what is there to do? To get your creative juices flowing, sometimes a good strategy is to ask you followers what they’re interested in talking about. Loyal followers will gladly offer topics that interest them and when you take their opinions into account you’re not only keeping your content fresh, you’re also strengthening the bond you have with your customers!
[success]2. Out Of Control[/success]
Maybe you’re the type of person that feel like they can’t control all these social media outlets and it’s become too much to try and be consistent on all of them. In these instances we highly recommend laying out a strict social media schedule. It doesn’t have to take up a lot of your time, but say you want to spend a maximum of one hour per day on social media. Nothing wrong with that! Simply divide your time evenly among each platform for maximum results. Try 15 or 20 minutes on each social medium and be strict about time limits – that way you wont get carried away on one and put in less effort in another.
[success]3. Handling Comments and Reviews[/success]
Social media isn’t a one way street – it’s meant to be a conversation. What do you do when your followers talk back? First, don’t freak out, this is a good thing! Secondly, assess their comment. Are they happy with your products or services? Perhaps they aren’t? Each situation must be handled appropriately. Say “Thank You” to fans that take the time to show their appreciation. If someone is upset and has a complaint – listen to it and do what you can to make amends. The key thing to avoid? Silence. Your followers want to know that behind that keyboard there’s a person putting time and effort into having this virtual conversation with them.
[notice]Do you have any social media struggles? Let us know in the comments and we’ll be happy to give you some advice![/notice]
photo credit: misspixels via photopin cc